Archeopark in Val Senales Valley

Discover Ötzi's Neolithic life.
This unique interactive museum shows you how Ötzi and his contemporaries lived in the Neolithic times.

The Archeopark is about half an hour’s drive from Merano and has a rich assortment of finds and exhibits – whether you prefer a scientific or a more practical approach, you'll get what you want. It's South Tyrol's first interactive museum. However, if you are just interested in informations about Ötzi and the time he lived in, you can also skip the activity program. 

The museum has a focus on the Neolithic period and has excellent explanation boards, photographs, films and various other attractions. In the outdoor area visitors can experience what everyday life was like 5000 years ago: There are reconstructed huts, clothes, implements and tools, demonstrations of labour and living conditions, of daily necessities and furthermore they show you how they built houses in the Neolithic civilization.
Just infront of the museum you've got a pretty good view to the spot where Ötzi was discovered partially buried in ice on the Tisenjoch. Also the Archeoparc presents a rich, varied program of attractions and events, like cooking, baking bread, music instruments or cords and nets, dyeing wool or weaving.